Expectorant – Water soluble liquid

INDICATIONS : Expectorant

  • ADDBROM-L oral solution is a very effective Cough Expectorant,
    helps to prevent influenza type infections.
  • It is indicated to control symptoms that result from respiratory infections
    such as difficulty in breathing sneezing in poultry.
  • Also very effective in Newcastle Disease (ND) and Infectious Bronchitis (IB).

Packing: 500 ml, 1Lt, 20 Lt.



COMPOSITION: Each 1000 ml contains
Bromhexine HCl – 5000 mg, Excipients – Q.S.

DOSAGE & ADMINISTRATION: Orally in drinking water
Poultry: 100 ml /200 Lt water for 4 days
Cows & Sheep: 1 ml / 10 kg B.W for 4 days (Or) as advised by a Veterinarian.

WITHDRAWAL TIME: Meat, milk, eggs 5 days

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