Toxin Binder with Minerals and vitamins


  • TOX FREE-AQ cleans the pond bottom and maintain healthy environment by reducing black soil and absorbing toxic gases.
  • It reduces the diseases & improves the growth of fish
  • Maintains good water quality & also improves FCR of fish.

Packing: 25 Kg



Toxic gases present in the pond water & also at the pond bottom cause several difficulties & health issues for fish. We can control (or) remove these toxic gases by using some chemical reagents which are not harmful for the fish. Feed supplements like Tox free can absorb these toxic gases and help to increase production & maintain good fish health.

COMPOSITION: Each 1000 g contains
Mannan oligosaccharide-175 gm; Beta glucan-150 gm; Citric acid-15 gm; Propionic acid-15 gm; Activated charcoal -50 gm; HSCAS -350 gm; Base – Calcium carbonate-Q.S

For pond treatment:
25-50 Kg/ hectare water area, can also mix with feed at 500 g to 1 kg/ ton of feed (or) as advised by an Aquaculture Consultant.

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